Municipal Election 2022
The 2022 Election will utilize the alternative voting method through Intelivote Systems Inc. (Telephone/Internet) for this election. The same platform was used for the 2014 and 2018 municipal and school board elections.
By-Law 69 of 2021-Agreement with Intelivote Systems Inc.
Important Dates
Nomination Period for Candidates:
- May 2, 2022 to August 18, 2022 (8:30 am to 4:30 pm Mon-Fri, excl. holidays); and
- Nomination Day: Friday, August 19, 2022 (9:00am to 2:00pm)
Third-Party Advertising Registration Period:
- May 2, 2022 to October 21, 2022 (8:30am to 4:30pm)
Restricted Acts After Nomination Day (Lame Duck):
According to Section 275 of the Municipal Act 2001, the Clerk will prepare a report, after these two dates, for determination of whether this section will apply:
- August 19, 2022
- November 14, 2022
Voters List Revision Period:
- September 1, 2022 - October 24, 2022 (Close of polls at 8 pm)
Advanced Voting Period for Electors:
- Monday, October 17, 2022 at 9:00 am to Sunday, October 23, 2022 (Voting can occur 24/7 during this period)
Voting Day:
- Monday, October 24, 2022 (until the close of polls at 8:00 pm)
Term of New Council:
- November 30th, 2022 – November 14th, 2026
Ending of Campaigns:
- Last date for any candidate and third party campaigning: January 3, 2023
- Candidate and Third Party Financial Reporting Deadline: March 31, 2023 at 2:00 pm
- Final Late Candidate Financial Reporting (Subject to $500.00 late filing fee): May 1, 2023 at 2:00 pm
How to Become a Candidate
Any individual looking to run for Municipal Office must be considered an eligible candidate and complete the prescribed nomination procedures outlined below. Please monitor this page for more details.
Municipal Election & School Board Trustees Guide 2022
Candidate Training Opportunities
On Monday, April 4th, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) organized a free presentation by the local Clerks of Middlesex County. This session highlighted what candidates should know about the Municipal Elections Act, including campaign finances, and highlighted the roles and responsibilities of council and committee members.
If you were unable to attend the live viewing, a recording is available for viewing.
Nomination Process- Municipal Candidate (2022)- CLOSED
- A candidate may file their nomination papers to the Office of the Clerk as of May 2, 2022 at 8:30 am – Nomination Day on August 19, 2022 at 2:00 pm
- To be an eligible candidate an individual must be:
- A Canadian Citizen
- Aged 18 years or older on the day of filing
- Must qualify as an eligible resident or non-resident elector on the day of filing
- A potential candidate must file nomination papers prior to receiving any campaign contributions and/or expending any funds on a campaign.
- Nomination papers will be available online (see below) or from the Clerks Department
- The nomination of a person for an office on Council must be endorsed by at least 25 persons and those endorsing the nomination must be eligible to vote in an election for an office within the Municipality if a regular election was held on the day that the person endorses the nomination.
- When filing you must submit the following:
- Nomination Papers – Form 1 (Nomination Paper) and Form 2 (Endorsement)
- Declaration of Qualifications
- Filing Fee
- Consent to Release Information
- Candidate’s Declaration
Nomination Procedure- Municipal Candidate (2022)
Offices To be Elected
Nominations in the Municipality of North Middlesex for the offices of:
- One (1) Mayor – at large
- One (1) Deputy Mayor-at large
- One (1) Councillor for Ward One (Town of Parkhill)
- One (1) Councillor for Ward Two (Village of Ailsa Craig)
- One (1) Councillor for Ward Three (Township of McGillivray)
- One (1) Councillor for Ward Four (Township of East Williams)
- One (1) Councillor for Ward Five (Township of West Williams)
Nomination Process- School Board Trustees (2022)- CLOSED
Offices to be Elected
Nominations for School Board Trustees:
- One (1) Conseil Scolaire Viamonde School Board Trustee (French Public)
- Inquiries for the above school board can be directed to the City of London Municipal Office; 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, 519-661-2489
- One (1) Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence School Board Trustee (French Separate)
- Inquiries for the above school board can be directed to the City of Woodstock, 500 Dundas Street, Woodstock 519-539-2382
- Two (2) Thames Valley District School Board Trustee (English Public)
- Inquiries for the above school board can be directed to the Strathroy-Caradoc Municipal Clerks Office, 52 Frank Street, Strathroy, 519-245-1070
- One (1) London District Catholic School Board Trustee (English Separate)
- Inquiries for the above school board can be directed to the Strathroy-Caradoc Municipal Clerks Office, 52 Frank Street, Strathroy, 519-245-1070
Candidate & Third Party Advertisers' Campaign Contributions
The final list of certified candidates will be posted at the Clerk's Office (229 Parkhill Main Street) and on our website.
Contributions to Registered Candidates
For a complete list of who may contribute to a registered candidate's campaign please refer to the Municipal Elections Act S. 88.8 below.
Contributions to Registered Third Party Advertisers
For a complete list of who may contribute to a registered third party please refer to the Municipal Elections Act S. 88.12 below.
Third-Party Advertising Guide (TBA)
Campaigning can begin once the Nomination Paper has been filed.
Campaigning materials are the responsibility of the candidate and must include the same name as shown on the Candidate's Nomination Form and the materials must NOT include the Town's logo or other insignia.
Materials cannot be placed on municipally-owned or leased properties except for road allowances.
The Clerk will calculate the maximum amount of campaign expenses that each candidate may incur and will provide a final "Certificate of Maximum Campaign Expenses" Form to the candidate on or before September 26, 2022.
Financial Duties for Candidates and Registered Third Parties
Financial Statements- Auditor's Report (Form 4 from Elections Candidate Guide) must be filed at the Municipal office:
- Date: March 31, 2023 – all candidates must file a complete and accurate financial statement, in the prescribed form with the clerk on or before 2:00 pm of the date specified
- Duties of Candidates are prescribed by the Municipal Elections Act Section 88.22
- Duties of Registered Third Parties are prescribed by the Municipal Elections Act Section 88.25
Previous Elections Information
Candidate Financial Statements- Municipal Election (2018)
Official Election Results (dated October 23, 2018)
Brad Harness | March 28, 2019 |
Brain Ropp* | January 16, 2019 |
Ian Brebner | October 31, 2018 |
Adrian Cornelissen* | November 1, 2018 |
Cheryl Norman | October 23, 2018 |
Doreen McLinchey | December 20, 2018 |
Jim Scott | November 2, 2018 |
Beverly Timmers | November 16, 2018 |
Douglas VanDyk | November 26, 2018 |
Joan Nichol* | November 21, 2018 |
Gord Moir* | November 28, 2018 |
John Keogh | December 21, 2018 |
Troy Stewart | November 9, 2018 |
Nichole Windsor | January 18, 2019 |
Andrew Hemming* | November 28, 2018 |