The Committees of Council provide a forum for public input and make recommendations to Council on issues within their areas of responsibility. The Committees have mandates related to the services and operations of the Municipality.
Selecting one of the Committees below will allow you to view the by-law adopted by Council to establish the Committee, the Committee Mandate and its Terms of Reference
Local School Advisory
The Local School Advisory Committee (LSAC) is a Committee of Council that acts as an advisory body on matters related to the following:
- Identify opportunities for the Municipality of North Middlesex to enhance all publicly funded schools in North Middlesex.
- Develop a " Rural" solution to address the local needs of the Municipality, and the School Board.
- Identify current and future opportunities to support youth in North Middlesex thereby enhancing student program options.
Parks & Recreation Advisory
The Recreation Advisory Committee is a Committee of Council that acts as an advisory body on matters related to recreation including:
- Reviewing the recreation needs of the community
- Assisting with the development of recreation and facilities level of service
- Ensuring programs and services attain the expected level of service
- Best management practices with regards to policies, practices and programs concerning parks, recreation and facilities;
- Provide feedback on issues and concerns regarding recreation, parks and facilities
- Ensuring programs and services are accessible.
Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC)
The Economic Development Advisory Committee is a Committee of Council that acts as an advisory body on matters related to economic development.
This committee is now full for this term.
By-Law 75 of 2019- Economic Development Advisory Committee Terms
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee is a Committee of Council that acts as an advisory body on matters related to the departmental policies for the municipality.
- Reviewing existing policies in order to ascertain their structure and effectiveness
- Determine gaps that exist with the intent of providing departmental policies that give guidance to staff, councillors and citizens as to directions, expectations and outcomes.
- Ensure that all policies are aligned departmentally.
Fire Committee
Purpose and Mandate:
The Fire Committee will make recommendations to Council on matters that pertain to setting the level of fire protection services as per the Municipality's responsibilities prescribed in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, (FPPA) 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4, as amended.
Community Development Fund Committee
Budget Committee