The County of Middlesex retained Dillon Consulting Limited to complete a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to determine the preferred long-term solution for the future use of Blacks Bridge. The existing bridge carries West Corner Drive over the Ausable River in the Municipality of North Middlesex, as shown on the map below. The bridge has been closed since September 2019 due to structural deficiencies.
The study is recommending Blacks Bridge be replaced with a new 44 metre (m) single-span bridge on the same alignment as the existing bridge.
The study was completed in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule ‘C’ projects under the Municipal Class EA (2000, as amended). An Environmental Study Report (ESR) is being made available for public review for a period of 30 calendar days in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class EA. The ESR documents the environmental assessment process completed, including the evaluation of alternatives, anticipated environmental impacts, mitigation measures, consultation completed throughout the study, and commitments for future work.
The ESR is available for review from June 23, 2022, to July 25, 2022, at the North Middlesex Municipal Office (229 Parkhill Main St, Parkhill ON) or at the Ailsa Craig Library (147 Ailsa Craig Main St, Ailsa Craig ON) during regular business hours, and on Middlesex County's website. If you have questions or comments regarding the information provided in the ESR, please contact either of the following project team members listed on the document below no later than July 25, 2022.